Марийка Николова author

Марийка Николова
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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • Magical charms for good luck and money can be made with your own hands from beads, coins and other items that work for the benefit of its owner. You need to talk to him and adhere to some rules of conduct.
    1 January 2022
  • Amulets for good luck: how to do it yourself, other different amulets for good luck, talismans in different cultures. Charging, carrying and storing the talisman.
    16 August 2020
  • From the article, you will learn how to work in a pet, such as making amulets for good luck and money, which can be made of pet, and also, how do you choose the amulet of the zodiac
    15 July 2020
  • As their hands make money with the amulet and a talisman for good luck. As amulets, and talismans, and interact with the energy of the owner, regardless of the manufacturer, it is the safest way.
    5 January 2020
  • For a long time it is known to be the most effective for the individual charm of good luck and fortune, and what is done with their own hands, and, giving it to her for her faith, strength and energy. The amulet calls for positive cash-flow, that is, before they went passing by, the owner of the amulet.
    3 December 2019